Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Question: What did the word Revelation mean to the Jewish world of 68 AD?

     For one thing, it meant the precious gift that was only given to the High Priests in the Old Testament, called in Hebrew Urim ve Thummim, literally translated "Perfection of Light." This special gift to the High Priest gave them spiritual insight that was required for the guidance of the nation, Israel.

     Historically, this gift had not returned to their High Priests after the Babylonian captivity, more than 400 years earlier. By 68 AD they were desperately longing for this gift of the Holy Spirit. Revelation 1.1 tells us that God gave this gift to Jesus Christ, thereby proving His divine anointing as the Great Eternal High Priest, chosen of God: "The revelation, [Urim ve Thummim], of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him."

     Remember, this study is about keeping the Scriptures found in the Book of Revelation "In Context."  For the Biblical context of the Urim ve Thummim READ and MEDITATE the following Scriptures:

In the time of Moses, READ: Exodus 28.30, Leviticus 8.8.

Many, many years later, after the Babylonian captivity, when the remnant of Israel returned to Judea,
READ: Ezra 2:59-63; Nehemiah 7:61-65.

In the New Testament era, READ: Hebrews 4:14-16; I Peter 2:9; Revelation 2.17, where Christ is offering the "hidden manna," that is, the Holy Food, which could only be offered by the High Priest.

For further discussion and referents for this subject see my book Revelation in Context, pages 56-61. Revelation in Context is available locally at the Living Word Bookstore in Shawnee, Oklahoma or www.Amazon.com, or www.XulonPress.com.
Free downloads are also available at www.revelationincontext.sermon.net.
Next Lesson: The Greek meaning of the word Revelation.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1. Revelation in Context -

READ: Revelation 1.1-3. 

These introductory verses to the Book of Revelation tell us that something was about to happen.
The rest of the Book tells us, by many symbolic references, of the destruction of the nation of Israel, along with its capitol city, Jerusalem in 70 AD. Historically, the survivors of this war were sold into slavery and assimilated racially. Jesus Christ was left as the only legitimate Heir of the Promises, the Covenant, the Kingdom and the Throne. His Bride, the Church, the New Jerusalem flourished and conquered the Roman Empire for Christ.

The surviving Rabbis of the Pharisees joined together to preserve their religion, Rabbinic Judaism. They appropriated to themselves the title "Jews" and "Israel." They worked for the next centuries to try to gather up and preserve their "oral law" and put it into writing. Their work is still extant in the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud which they recognize as their authoritative scriptures.

Because it had been promised in the Covenant, prophesied by the Prophets, and confirmed by Jesus. The Covenant promised that this would happen if they rebelled against God, forsook the Covenant and worshiped idols. God was fulfilling His Covenant promises.

It happened at an appointed time as foretold by the Prophets, as in Daniel 9:25-27. It came to pass as promised "shortly," "quickly," "soon" after the Book of Revelation was written in 68 AD.

It happened primarily in Judea and the Jewish colonies throughout the Roman world.

It came through Jesus Christ to His Angel, to John, then to "His Servants," the Jewish Christians of the first century and their converts.

By revelation through visions and voices. 

The book Revelation in Context describes, discusses and documents these events in their Biblical, historical, linguistic and cultural context. 

Revelation in Context can be ordered from Amazon.com and XulonPress.com. It is also available locally at the Living Word Bookstore in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
Free downloads are also available at www.revelationincontext.sermon.net

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Abortion Is Shedding Innocent Blood

     Shedding innocent blood was strictly prohibited from the beginning: Genesis 4:8-16. This law was reiterated to Noah, Genesis 9:5-6. It was prohibited by the Law of Moses, Leviticus 17:4b; Deuteronomy 19:10-13; 21:1-9. The Prophets also condemned it: Jeremiah 7:6; 22:17; 26:15; Joel 3:19.
      Vengeance and the wrath of God are promised to those who shed innocent blood. The nation would be guilty if they did not make atonement: Leviticus 18:25; Numbers 35:33-34; Deuteronomy 19:4-13; 32:35, 43; Psalms 79:10.
    A nation fell because of innocent blood guilt, Lamentations 4:12-14. 
     The New Testament Prophets charged the Jews with this crime and told them to repent: Acts 3:14-15; 7:52; Matthew 27:25.
      The New Testament Prophets also foretold that God's wrath would come upon the guilty in order to avenge innocent blood: Matthew 23:31-36; Luke 18:7-8; Romans 12:19; Hebrews 10:30; 13:13-14; Revelation 6:10, 16-17; 17:6; 18:20; 19:2.
     The New Testament also shows that Christ has provided atonement for all who will repent and accept His sacrifice for their sin: Hebrews 9:11-28.
     Abortion is shedding innocent blood. Those who are guilty of it and do not repent will experience the wrath of God. When the laws of our nation require us to participate in abortions, our nation also becomes guilty and will experience the wrath of God except we repent.