Dear Christian friends: Please be informed as to the
dangers to Christianity coming from the religion called “Judaism” and its
establishment in the state called “Israel.” Please read and follow the links as
given below. You will see that the New Testament has become illegal in our
beloved land. Christianity has been outlawed, and the New Testament is called
“hate literature.”
“On July 17, 2012, Zionist Knesset member Michael
Ben-Ari publicly destroyed a copy of the New Testament, saying: ‘This
abominable book galvanized the murder of millions of Jews during the
Inquisition and during auto-da-fé instances. Sending the book to MKs is a
provocation. There is no doubt that this book and all it represents belongs in
the garbage can of history’….
member Tzipi Hotovely of Likud said that the distribution of such anti-Semitic
hate literature as the New Testament would be investigated and prevented in the
The New Testament is called “anti-Semitic hate
literature” by a member of the “Israeli” Knesset.
Is the New Testament anti-Semitic? This challenge is
not a new development but has a history in the Talmud as well as in the Congress
of the United States of America.[1]
Today, we find such references throughout our American culture because of the
propaganda coming from the so-called state of “Israel” and its state religion,
prominent feature of propaganda is that it misuses words by twisting their
conventional meanings and giving them a “spin.” This confuses the readers or
hearers so that it is difficult to recognize the lie behind their claims. The
current “Zionist” state has used this ploy very effectively in deceiving the
Church world about their supposed identity as Semites. (Even the word ‘Zionist’
is misused as if it were about the Biblical Zion, which it is not.) Let us look
for the Truth in the Bible and its record of the true Semites.
Who are the “Semites”? The word ‘Semitic,’ properly refers to the race of people who descended from the Biblical Shem, son of Noah. Genesis 10; 11:10-32 gives the Biblical background and genealogy from Noah to Abraham of the Semites. In Genesis 11:14, we have the account of the birth of Eber, and the account then takes up the genealogies descended from Eber, a Semite. The word ‘Eber’ is the root word for what is later spoken of as ‘Hebrew.’ Abraham is called “the Hebrew” in Genesis 14:13 and 39:14. The Hebrews were all racially Semitic, that is, descended from Shem.
Jesus was a Semite. We find His genealogy in Luke 3:23-38 where the name ‘Eber’ is spelled ‘Heber,’ according to the language current at that time. This confirms that Jesus was a Semite according to His earthly genealogy. His genealogy is also recorded in the Gospel of Matthew and therefore has been preserved in sacred Scripture. Jesus is the only living Biblical descendant of Abraham whose genealogy is preserved in sacred Scripture. No other person alive can claim this Biblical genealogy. The genealogical records from the beginning were religiously preserved by the priesthood up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD when the archives were burned. Paul could claim to be a Hebrew, Philippians 3:5, because, at that time, the records had not been destroyed. Although after that time many families tried to preserve the genealogical records, these were not official, and were subject to decay, destruction, and even intentional mistakes.
Note that, since Abraham was a Semite, all of his descendants are Semites. We know from the Scriptures that Abraham had many sons, the first of which was Ishmael, Genesis 16. However, this was not the son of Sara, which was to be the Son of Promise, that is, the Seed of Promise. Abraham’s son by Sarah was Isaac. But Isaac was not the ultimate fulfillment of the Promise, but in him and his descendants the Promised Seed was hidden until Christ was born to Mary, see Galatians 3:26-29 and 4:22-31. Verse 3:29: “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Only those in Christ, The Semite, are truly heirs of Abraham.
Who are the “Semites”? The word ‘Semitic,’ properly refers to the race of people who descended from the Biblical Shem, son of Noah. Genesis 10; 11:10-32 gives the Biblical background and genealogy from Noah to Abraham of the Semites. In Genesis 11:14, we have the account of the birth of Eber, and the account then takes up the genealogies descended from Eber, a Semite. The word ‘Eber’ is the root word for what is later spoken of as ‘Hebrew.’ Abraham is called “the Hebrew” in Genesis 14:13 and 39:14. The Hebrews were all racially Semitic, that is, descended from Shem.
Jesus was a Semite. We find His genealogy in Luke 3:23-38 where the name ‘Eber’ is spelled ‘Heber,’ according to the language current at that time. This confirms that Jesus was a Semite according to His earthly genealogy. His genealogy is also recorded in the Gospel of Matthew and therefore has been preserved in sacred Scripture. Jesus is the only living Biblical descendant of Abraham whose genealogy is preserved in sacred Scripture. No other person alive can claim this Biblical genealogy. The genealogical records from the beginning were religiously preserved by the priesthood up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD when the archives were burned. Paul could claim to be a Hebrew, Philippians 3:5, because, at that time, the records had not been destroyed. Although after that time many families tried to preserve the genealogical records, these were not official, and were subject to decay, destruction, and even intentional mistakes.
Note that, since Abraham was a Semite, all of his descendants are Semites. We know from the Scriptures that Abraham had many sons, the first of which was Ishmael, Genesis 16. However, this was not the son of Sara, which was to be the Son of Promise, that is, the Seed of Promise. Abraham’s son by Sarah was Isaac. But Isaac was not the ultimate fulfillment of the Promise, but in him and his descendants the Promised Seed was hidden until Christ was born to Mary, see Galatians 3:26-29 and 4:22-31. Verse 3:29: “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Only those in Christ, The Semite, are truly heirs of Abraham.
factor in determining Abraham’s Seed is that God chose Abraham because He knew
Abraham would teach his children his faith, Genesis 18:17-19. Verse 19: “For I know him, that he will command his
children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord,
to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which He
hath spoken of him.” Therefore, it is obvious that those who did not keep
the faith of Abraham were not counted as his children, even though of physical
descent. What was Abraham’s faith? “Abraham
believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness,” Galatians 3:6.
Verse 7: “Know ye therefore that they which
are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham…. (9) So then they which be
of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.” The Semites who descended from
Abraham must keep his faith: Jesus kept the faith of Abraham. Those born of the
blood of Christ are the Semites who are heirs of the promises to Abraham.
Abraham’s descendants according to the flesh are Ishmael and Keturah’s sons.
Contrary to what we so often hear, Ishmael was not cursed. Genesis 16:10-15 records God’s promise to his mother, Hagar. Verse 12 is often cited as evidence of Ishmael’s curse. However, although the KJV says “He will be a wild man…,” this simply means that he would be a nomad, moving his flocks to find pasture and not settling on and claiming a plot of ground. This would put him in conflict with his brethren who had settled claim to certain properties. God also promised Abraham that Ishmael would be blessed, Genesis 17:18-20.
Abraham’s descendants according to the flesh are Ishmael and Keturah’s sons.
Contrary to what we so often hear, Ishmael was not cursed. Genesis 16:10-15 records God’s promise to his mother, Hagar. Verse 12 is often cited as evidence of Ishmael’s curse. However, although the KJV says “He will be a wild man…,” this simply means that he would be a nomad, moving his flocks to find pasture and not settling on and claiming a plot of ground. This would put him in conflict with his brethren who had settled claim to certain properties. God also promised Abraham that Ishmael would be blessed, Genesis 17:18-20.
was with Isaac at the burial of their father, Abraham, Genesis 25:9. Ishmael’s
twelve sons are listed in Genesis 25:12-18. These, with their descendants
today, the Arab peoples, are all also Semites according to the flesh.
Abraham also remarried after the death of his wife, Sarah and had six more sons by his second wife, Keturah, Genesis 25:1-2. All of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael and the sons of Keturah, were therefore Hebrew, descended from ‘Eber,’ who was a Semite. The descendants of Keturah and of Ishmael have multiplied into nations and are known now as “Arabs.” They have remained in the general area of the Middle and near East and have maintained their Semitic language from that time until today. They are children of Abraham, therefore of Shem, and are therefore “Semitic.”
Those calling themselves “Jews” today are not a Semitic people according to the Biblical history, for the Old Testament Israel sinned and God cut them off from being a fleshly identifiable people, according to the terms of the Covenant He had made with them, specifically Deuteronomy chapters 5, 27 and 28. The last of the old fleshly identity as “Israel” ended in the destruction of 70 AD fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy, Daniel 9:24-27. Only Christ remained as the sole Heir of the Promises after that time.
The word ‘Anti-Semitism’ is often used to describe any opposition to ‘Judaism’ and its modern manifestation in ‘Zionism.’ The fallacy here is that ‘Semitism’ refers properly to a race of people whereas the word ‘Judaism’ refers to a religion. The people complaining about being discriminated against, calling themselves “Jews,” are not a race but a religion, so they are not, according to the fleshly descent, a Semitic race of people any more than the Christians and/or Muslims or any other group of people. Actually, the Arab nations have a far better claim to physical descent from Abraham because they have generally continued to live in the same geographical area and have spoken the same mother tongue languages from the time of Abraham. Christians must awake to the clear and present danger to our religion and our Bible from the adherents to the religion called "Judaism."
To see how Christianity and the New Testament have been outlawed in the US of A go to "America Under the Talmud, '1.America's New Government Church.'"
Abraham also remarried after the death of his wife, Sarah and had six more sons by his second wife, Keturah, Genesis 25:1-2. All of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael and the sons of Keturah, were therefore Hebrew, descended from ‘Eber,’ who was a Semite. The descendants of Keturah and of Ishmael have multiplied into nations and are known now as “Arabs.” They have remained in the general area of the Middle and near East and have maintained their Semitic language from that time until today. They are children of Abraham, therefore of Shem, and are therefore “Semitic.”
Those calling themselves “Jews” today are not a Semitic people according to the Biblical history, for the Old Testament Israel sinned and God cut them off from being a fleshly identifiable people, according to the terms of the Covenant He had made with them, specifically Deuteronomy chapters 5, 27 and 28. The last of the old fleshly identity as “Israel” ended in the destruction of 70 AD fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy, Daniel 9:24-27. Only Christ remained as the sole Heir of the Promises after that time.
The word ‘Anti-Semitism’ is often used to describe any opposition to ‘Judaism’ and its modern manifestation in ‘Zionism.’ The fallacy here is that ‘Semitism’ refers properly to a race of people whereas the word ‘Judaism’ refers to a religion. The people complaining about being discriminated against, calling themselves “Jews,” are not a race but a religion, so they are not, according to the fleshly descent, a Semitic race of people any more than the Christians and/or Muslims or any other group of people. Actually, the Arab nations have a far better claim to physical descent from Abraham because they have generally continued to live in the same geographical area and have spoken the same mother tongue languages from the time of Abraham. Christians must awake to the clear and present danger to our religion and our Bible from the adherents to the religion called "Judaism."
To see how Christianity and the New Testament have been outlawed in the US of A go to "America Under the Talmud, '1.America's New Government Church.'"
See “America
Under the Talmud, ‘1.America’s New Government Church.’”