The Greek title of the Book of Revelation is referred to as "The Apocalypse." This Greek word may also be translated as "the unveiling, uncovering, manifestation, appearing, or coming." So the "Revelation of Jesus Christ" may refer to His unveiling, uncovering, manifestation, appearing, and/or coming. The prefix apo- means "from, away from." The root of the word Apocalypse is kalu, meaning "a veil or covering." The suffix -psis denotes action or process. Apocalypse therefore means, "the action or process of taking away the veil."
For the Biblical context we should consider the significant veils described in the Old Testament: (1) the veil of mortality, (2) the veil of separation, (3) the veil of the Law, and (4) the veil of the Heavens.
(1) The veil of mortality is unredeemed Flesh. This veil became necessary when Adam and Eve sinned and became subject to death, separation from God. It was the veil of death. God clothed them; that is, He put a veil between Him and their sinful Flesh, Genesis 3.21. Isaiah saw this veil as the veil of darkness that kept the whole world from seeing the full Light of God, Isaiah 25.7-8. Christ removed this veil, Hebrews 10:19-20; I Corinthians 15:54.
(2) Another veil of separation was in the Temple which separated even the Preisthood from the Holy of Holies. Christ accomplished the removal of this veil: Matthew 27.51. Christ provided access through Himself to this most Holy place: Hebrews 9.1-12.
(3) The veil of the Law. The Pharisees pretended a high reverence for the Law, but Christ taught that the Law was only necessary because of disobedience. God's will was that the Law should be written in the hearts of Mankind. The external ritual code of the Law often blinded people to the need for the inner obedience from the heart. The story of Moses' face to face confrontation with God furnishes an example that beholding and partaking of the glory of God is the essence of the Law of God; that is, to know Him and to be changed into His likeness, Exodus 34:33; II Corinthians 3:14-18.
(4) The veil of the Heavens is described in Psalm 104:2 as a curtain that veils the full Light of God. It is God's garment. The starry heavens declare the glory of God and were created for the purpose of orientation in time and space for Mankind, Genesis 1.14-15. The sun, moon, stars and planets were not just randomly sprinkled but formed definite and readable patterns. Moses was instructed to make all things according to the "Pattern."
The veil of the heavens was opened to the prophets as in Ezekiel 1.1. In the New Testament the Heavens were opened to John the Baptist, Mark 1:10; Stephen, Acts 7:56; Peter, Acts 10:11; and John the Revelator, Revelation 4:1. The Book of Revelation concerns the visions given to John in which the veil of the Heavens was opened again to prophetic view.
The Book of Revelation shows how all of these veils were removed by Jesus Christ.
For more discussion and referents on the Greek word Apocalypse see my book Revelation in Context, pages 63-70. Revelation in Context is available at or or locally at Living Word Bookstore in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Free downloads are available at
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