Wednesday, July 16, 2014


By Irene Belyeu
    What does this sudden inflow of immigrant children mean to us and our nation? Among many other possibilities I believe it means at least these two things:
1. It means we have lost the war on drugs and these children are fleeing from the hell-like conditions resulting from our failure to wage that war vigorously and consistently for the past fifty or sixty years and even up to the present day.
Our nation chose the wrong direction years ago when we decided to invest our major military and economic power in the Middle East instead of next door in Mexico and Central America.
The powerful lobbyists representing the international corporations and the military/industrial complex were ruling our nation and manipulating the elections and therefore the elected officials. The most powerful of these lobbies was and is AIPAC, American/Israel Political Action Committee. Consequently with the blessing of many Churches, our nation has established the anti-Christian nation posing as “Israel.”
On the pretense that they are “our only ally” in the Middle East they have continued to invade Palestine, inflaming the hatred of the Arab nations. This has kept us embroiled in wars and blackmail, requiring huge grants and tax favors to nations and international corporations, building up a national debt that will keep us in bondage for at least two more generations. As a result our nation is bankrupt with a crumbling infrastructure and fierce enemies throughout the world. The great army that we would have had has been slain in the womb.
2. This inflow of immigrant children means also that we are being given a second chance to care for, love, discipline and nurture these thousands of children in place of those thousands that were aborted as fetuses.
Let us wake up and grow up and take a mature view of who we are, where we are and what we are. There is a tremendous opportunity in these immigrant children for us to sober up, give up our spoiled life styles and do what is right and good. Instead of indulgence in ridiculous luxuries and purposeless pleasures, let us seek the good ways of truly Christian conduct and stand against the slavery of addictions, the worship of Mammon, (the love of money), immoral recreational sex, and sin itself.
In other words, let us repent both as individuals and as a nation and seek the Lord’s mercy and grace. This is the way, the only way out of the disastrous results of our past sins.

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