Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Question: What did the word Revelation mean to the Jewish world of 68 AD?

     For one thing, it meant the precious gift that was only given to the High Priests in the Old Testament, called in Hebrew Urim ve Thummim, literally translated "Perfection of Light." This special gift to the High Priest gave them spiritual insight that was required for the guidance of the nation, Israel.

     Historically, this gift had not returned to their High Priests after the Babylonian captivity, more than 400 years earlier. By 68 AD they were desperately longing for this gift of the Holy Spirit. Revelation 1.1 tells us that God gave this gift to Jesus Christ, thereby proving His divine anointing as the Great Eternal High Priest, chosen of God: "The revelation, [Urim ve Thummim], of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him."

     Remember, this study is about keeping the Scriptures found in the Book of Revelation "In Context."  For the Biblical context of the Urim ve Thummim READ and MEDITATE the following Scriptures:

In the time of Moses, READ: Exodus 28.30, Leviticus 8.8.

Many, many years later, after the Babylonian captivity, when the remnant of Israel returned to Judea,
READ: Ezra 2:59-63; Nehemiah 7:61-65.

In the New Testament era, READ: Hebrews 4:14-16; I Peter 2:9; Revelation 2.17, where Christ is offering the "hidden manna," that is, the Holy Food, which could only be offered by the High Priest.

For further discussion and referents for this subject see my book Revelation in Context, pages 56-61. Revelation in Context is available locally at the Living Word Bookstore in Shawnee, Oklahoma or www.Amazon.com, or www.XulonPress.com.
Free downloads are also available at www.revelationincontext.sermon.net.
Next Lesson: The Greek meaning of the word Revelation.

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